Some Historical Perspectives:
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Some of the historical perspectives that shape race in America.


     Race and racial problems in the world is not new. However, It is primarily here in Americ that we must confront and deal with it. It is an  issue and it is a problem, yet, again , it is here and now, here in America, and here in me that we, that I must begin to deal with the issue and the problem. If there is one thing that race is about, that is, it is about people, even with all of their gifts, faults and failures.

This is one of my favorite images

     I chose this photo because it makes a statement about the spiritual essence of human being. The essence of who we are is human the verity that we are is divine. The things that make us what we are is enourmous, even at it's superficial level. That which makes us male, that which makes us female, is both simple and yet, complex.

     The verity of colors that we are is both beautiful and a great mystery. Little by little humans are finding out more and more about what humans are about and the things that make up what humans are. However, even to the educators and scientist the human brain and  body, and how it operate is still a great mystery.

  Here is one point of view:

Racial Conflict

It is sad that we can not all live and let live independently, as this would be optimal for everyone involved. The purpose of White Separation is to be able to live among those of our own race. Violence will be the probable outcome as races are forced so close together by mandatory integration, but violence will not solve the problems. Education and unity will do far more to further the White race than violence and hate toward the other races. We must learn to live together in this world yet be allowed to maintain our separation and independence.
We're often asked if there will be a race war in America's future. Our answer to this question is "most likely". What most people don't realize is there are racial battles breaking out all across America right now. These racial battles are going to lead us into an all out race war. As the non-white race population is growing the White population is decreasing. All it takes is a quick look at the census to authenticate this evidence.
Our constitution was designed for White Christian America by White Christians and is not going to be adequate for or accepted by non-whites in the future. Today most non-whites blame White's for everything that has gone wrong in their communities. They expect White taxpayers to financially fix their problems for them; White's are tired of taking the blame and or no longer willing or able to support non-white communities. This of course will breed even more hatred against Whites.
Organized Black groups such as the Nation of Islam are working for the day when White's will be enslaved and all White American history will be destroyed. Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader, has worked diligently to build an army of Black men and women to wage a war against White America. Many of his recruits come right out of prison and street gangs. They are the most violent people to walk the streets of America today. White police officers are finding it almost impossible to enforce the law in non-white communities for fear of starting a riot or being charged with violating some non-white's civil rights. Our American economy is going to play a major factor in the upcoming race conflict. As more and more factories leave for foreign shores, leaving us with fewer good paying jobs and with cuts in federal minority programs.
We believe that the Federal Government has become an enemy to White America and seems to be helping to bring about a race conflict. White Christian Israelites were never permitted to mix with other races, but for years the Federal Government has pushed race-mixing and uncontrolled non-white immigration into our country. The Feds have pushed the races together and all its accomplished is more violence in our schools and neighborhoods.
Non-Whites have worked long and hard to destroy White America and the followers of Christ. Racial unrest and conflict is just another way of attacking us. White's are being robbed, raped and murdered at an ever-increasing rate by non-whites. Our prison systems are overflowing with non-whites that hate our people. Its been reported that blacks make up only 12.5% of our nations population, yet they make up over 60% of the prison population and non-whites in general make up over 80% of the total prison population. It's obvious who is committing the majority of crimes in America. Its getting to the point that White's aren't going to be able to pay and maintain this destructive trend much longer. This information is freely available from the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Our civilization is deteriorating due to a social experiment called racial equality. Forced on us by the government. The uniform that will make up the different players in the coming war will be the color of ones skin. The Texas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan believes it is time for Whites' to prepare for what will be a harsh and bloody struggle, not just between the races, but a battle between the forces of good and evil.

Knowing this INFORMATION should put an END to ALL RACIAL CONFLICT and BIBLICAL conflict?*DizzyMe*
Category:(Debate) Created:(5/1/2002 2:17:00 PM) Viewed (386 times)
Any human being can trace their ancestry back to Africa. In essence, all human beings alive today come from Africa. All human beings are basically cousins.

Human beings took different paths as they gradually left Africa and spread to different parts of the world.

Shouldn't that end racial conflict, knowing that we all came from the same place? My husband was watching a special a few days ago on the discovery channel and it said that all humans used to be black, but as they spread to different parts of the world, thier colors changed over the course of thousands of years. So, isn't that interesting that we ALL have black ancestors...

Here is some new info i just found that supports the biblical theory of Adam and Eve and also the "out of africa" theory:

These geneticists are using DNA to track the origins of the human species. They have determined, according to a New York Times article by Nicholas Wade, that all the people in the world are descended from 10 sons of the genetic Adam and 18 daughters of the genetic Eve.

The genetic scientists also have determined that the original Adam and Eve lived in Africa, perhaps somewhere between the central, southern and eastern portions of the continent.

...Chek these sites out....""...

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George Washington: Inaugural Address <>
Delivered before the First Constitutional Congress in New York City on April 30, 1789. "[T]he propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."

The Writings of George Washington <>
The University of Virginia collection of the Papers of George Washington.

Thomas Jefferson: Inaugural Address <>
Delivered on Wednesday, March 4, 1801. "Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. . . every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle."

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson <>
The Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress.

The Writings of Thomas Jefferson <>
Collection of the works of Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Politics and Government <>
"With over 2,700 excerpts from Jefferson's writings arranged by topic, this site provides a fair statement of the complete political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson."

The Writings of John Adams <>
Collection of the works of John Adams.

John Adams: "Thoughts on Government" <>
Published in 1776. This widely circulated pamplet was very inflential in the early constitution-making period.

The Writings of James Madison <>
Collection of the works of James Madison.

Great Quotations of James Madison <>
Significant Quotes from the writings of James Madison.

Benjamin Franklin: "Speech for Adoption of the Constitution" <>
Delivered September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention, Franklin's practical & inspired remarks moved the delegates to set aside remaining differences and sign the Constitution that day.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin <>
The complete autobiography of America's world-renowned statesman, educator and inventor. "A literary masterpiece."

The Writings of Samuel Adams <>
Collection of the works of Samuel Adams.


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The Declaration of Independence

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" - (Declaration of Independence - July 4th, 1776).



The Emancipation Proclamation

Created in the image and likeness of God

     None of us are all that we could be, but if we strive we God and for God each ay we shall be transformed a little bite more into the image of Christ Jesus, taht fact is awesome but true.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.