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I shall stay away as much as possible my personal race, beyand the fact that I am human.

The emphasis shall be upon the situations and the problem that arise where race is concerned. I shall try to look at situations like thge attitudes that the Japaneses have relative to the Chinese; theblack and the whites in america, and in South Africa, in australia, and in Europe, and in America between Native American and blacks.....

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Some of the thoughts and attitudes of others
My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

These are the thoughts of one white supremacist group.

"...Whites are becoming more and more distrustful of the two-faced, double-minded Federal Government. The Government demands equality while at the same time promotes the discrimination of White people. It seems apparent to me that the Federal Government no longer represents White Christian America....Michael Sullivan "

The interesting thing is that this is the feeling of many whites who would call themselves white supremacists. This not an attitude the is exclusive
to just whites; all of the races that I have observed at some point and with some of the people I have seen have the attitude of superiority over other groups and races. I believe that it is wrong no matter where it is found and in whom ever it is found.

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